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TW WK 11 ~ 12 and FINAL TALLY

Here are the final tallies for the entire term. Good job everybody! Here are the top students in terms of practice time, exercises completed and speed. Good work everyone!

Here are the results of your Typing Web Progress! Please enter these times and speeds in your spreadsheets and update your charts!

Congratulations Le, Xue and Laura!
You spent the most time practicing!
Nice work!

And, congratulations again, Xue Laura and Le! 
I think you may have set some  new records for 
speed (new personal best)! Good job!

This is our twelfth and final Week of Typing Web!

Here are the results! Congratulations to the most diligent: Oksana, Jasjeet and Wendy!

And congratulations to the three FASTEST: Wendy, Xue and Laura!